Leadership and Success

Success and leadership are not the same things. Often, we think that if someone is successful, it is because they have good leadership skills. Unfortunately, for most people, leadership does not come naturally. Being successful in life doesn’t make you a good leader. A good organizational structure can hide someone’s poor leadership skills. An Inc.com article discusses that when you …

How to Regain Focus

Tony Robbins said, “Your life is controlled by what you focus on.” There are seasons in the year when employees seem to lose focus. Everyone I have spoken with is feeling drained by the increasing workload pressures. Have you ever considered that focus and attention are resources? When you are focused at work, you are more productive. We use the …

Hope in the workplace

What is Hope in the workplace? Are you a high-hope leader? How do you practice Hope? The workplace continues to change, and employees can become paralyzed by fear of uncertainty. However, leaders are trying hard to impact people’s lives positively. The challenge is keeping employees, and yourself motivated. Hope is based on what is possible. We all need something to …

No “Buts”

We have all experienced a conversation where a compliment is followed by a “but.” The small three-letter word “but” can make you forget everything that was said before, shake your confidence and cause self-doubt. For example, you might hear, “I can see your point but…” or “No disrespect but…”.   In a Dale Carnegie course on Skills for Success years ago, the facilitator gave us …

Stop Ghosting and Start Saying No

Ghosting is a common phenomenon in both personal and professional relationships. Ghosting originated with online dating, when someone disappears from a relationship without warning. However, ghosting occurs more than just with personal relationships. We are seeing ghosting with employers to job seekers, job seekers are ghosting employers, and ghosting is happening within your organization when you choose to ignore emails …

“I Don’t Wanna!!”

Envision a child who is having a tantrum. They do not want to do what their parent is asking. You watch them stomp their foot, they might pout, they might drop to the floor, and they will say, “I don’t wanna .” As parents, we might become exasperated and frustrated. We might smile and tell them it is for the …

The art of knowing when not to talk

Most people think that becoming a good communicator is becoming a great speaker. However, listening can be more important than speaking. Our days are filled with meetings. We work with many varying personalities. Take a moment and think of the last meeting you were in. You probably had one or more people who tried to speak over others and might …

Showing Appreciation

Dale Carnegie, author of how to win friends and influence people shared a few principles on giving appreciation. Principle 1 – Don’t criticize, condemn or complain  We are human which means that we have emotions. Our emotions are what cause us to criticize, complain and condemn. Abraham Lincoln, in his younger days before he became president, was a hot-tempered man. …