For businesses to succeed it needs to constantly adjust following the marketplace. All businesses need to regularly evaluate what is working and eliminate what isn’t working. It never hurts for a business to do check-ups to identify problem areas and make adjustments.
- Update Software and secure Networks
Businesses and Individuals are constantly under attack via cyberattacks. One quick fix is making sure that you are running the latest version of all your software. If you do not then schedule a time to bring them UpToDate.
LifeLock, Norton, AVG, McAfee are some of the tools you can use to ensure you are protecting your company and your customers’ data. Be sure to always install the newest patches.
- Unify your branding and Marketing Efforts
Just as the marketplace continually changes businesses need to look at their Story brand to ensure that it hasn’t fallen victim to being tired and outdated. The branding needs to be the same across all platforms, this presents a coherent unified message across all channels. When the marketing message is disjoined it disconnects the audience. This includes customer reviews. Online reviews are more crucial than ever before.
- Increase legal and regulatory awareness
As a small business owner, it vital to stay on top of the changes in the legal landscape. New legislation is being written and disputed all the time, so it is important to stay informed on the changes within your industry. This awareness also provides you with the opportunity to add your voice to change in both civic, state and national levels as policies and laws are written and amended.
- Organize your Recordkeeping.
Technology is a great tool that when we find the right software for our industries can streamline record keeping and make work life easier. I am a big fan of the K.I.S. method (Keep It Simple). For the most part, humans are creatures of habits and we get ourselves stuck in a way of doing things. It never hurts to re-evaluate our processes to make sure that we are running things in the most cost and time-efficient manner. Remember that your way doesn’t mean it is better than someone else’s, we all think differently and what seems simple to one can be quite complex to another. Sit down as a team and have open and candid discussions on what can be improved.
- Reaffirm your Mission Statement
Your mission statement is the guiding foundation of your business. All employees should know the mission, buy into it and be able to repeat the story brand. When market trends and industry change does it change your mission statement? Is there a better and easier way to say your mission statement? As your business grows does this affect your statement? Examine your goals and make sure that you’re continually serving your customers.
Cheryl Viola, Executive Director
- 5 Best Practices Every Small Business Should Follow in 2019. (2018, December 2). Retrieved from
- Young Entrepreneur Council. (2019, December 27). 5 Small Business Trends to Leverage in 2020. Retrieved from