In the past 5 years I have worked for a chamber of commerce in two different states. The communities are different but the one thing in common is the misunderstanding of what a Chamber of Commerce does and how being a member can help the businesses and its employees. Any marathoner will tell you that to succeed you need time and effort. You need time to train and condition for endurance. Your ROI (return on investment) of Chamber dues is much the same as running a marathon. It will take time and effort. Chamber Membership is still the #1 best way for to promote your business. You can participate in giveaways, advertising opportunities and network to meet new people and build your business contacts. Some of the benefits the Jerome Chamber offers includes: Discounted prices to Chamber events • member to member discounts • Business listing in member directory •Networking • Promotional opportunities and referral program to name just a few. To see the return on your investment means you need to be committed to getting involved. Involvement includes attending events, utilize the tools through the Member Portal and volunteer your time on the Ambassador committee. Remember building contacts and your business is not about the fastest, but endurance. Your ROI will not happen overnight. The more connections you make the better the results for your business. TThe Chamber has the power to connect you to more connections. For example, on average the Jerome Chamber Facebook posts willreach 1000+ individuals in the area. The Chamber website year to date has had10,000+ hits. The Chamber is here to help your business succeed and promote commerce. Let’s grow together!By: Cheryl Viola, Executive Director